Friday, 17 August 2012

My BECE and matters arising....

Ete sen,

Se moye okay? Long Monday a holiday? Eish they havent confirmed o. The way i want to doze Monday way away. The Interior Minister has no idea. Do remember your BECE, SSSCE, UNI days?

I wrote my BECE at the University Primary School in Legon. I got aggregate 10 and I didnt get to go to Wesley Girls High School (My first choice). I cried for days, was heartbroken thought the world was about to end because by the time my parents could console me from my dramatic end of the world moments all the space in Aburi Girls High School and Okuapeman was gone. Herrrrrr mesuuuu saahhhh ma my head grew bigger and it was left with just my toes. OMG! so why are you laughing...I know my head is big but trust me i thought the world had ended.

I ended up in Krobo Girls Senior High, I swore I wouldnt talk to my parents, GOD, my extended family hw3.  I was last killa and I was at war. Slim macho.But now i thank God it happens this way. Yes I was living a lie , complete lie. Sheltered for 15 years by the University of Ghana campus (i live there, that is all you should know) didnt know people lived outside Accra. It was really a good awakening for me. That began part of my shaping process and I have never looked back. I channeled my anger in learning and Drama n Debating club. But lets focus on the learning. If anyone knows my father he was a stickler for perfection and he wouldnt let you come to Legon on any concession. Ah! Yaw Boachie ha adwen ooo. Hahhaa till now he doesnt like anyone parking funny in his driveway. His scrowl is legendary.

Back to subject- I had to study like never before, the teachers, the books oh myyy it was tough. Extra curricular activities hahaa oh jogging, fetching water and carrying water on my head (aw my poor head) cutting grass for punishment and to keep a neat environment.hehee
Things I had to learn because we didnt have teachers for some of the subjects. It felt like if you had an A then you really deserved it. We used to get books and notes from other schools just to compare and constrast. Vacation classes oh...Nipa aye bio. I was blessed. It was not for naught. I entered the Unversity of Ghana. And then all my hopes and dreams of what i thought University Life was dwindled to zero. Oh Lawd! I remember how it took ages just to register (that has been rectified with online registration), water issues, perching( that has been rectified), lousy over priced campus food (y'all know i dont joke with my food), small lecture rooms with plenty students, wondering if your exams get marked and if they do how on earth did you get that grade.
 hahhaaaha but Legon is still the ish. KNUST Alum and  students reading this.... there I said it. UG of Ghana, Premier University no size. We are simply the ISH.

Here comes the McCoy...this post was inspired by a link on Komla Dumor's( dont you get proud watching him on BBC).
It was about International Qualifications of the University of Oxford.  A list of countries and when it came to Ghana's turn...

West African Senior School Certificate Examination would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application.

I shared this on my facebook  a couple of hours ago and i have got a diverse views. Very brilliant points raised by my friends there. But as usual it will be an exciting discussion with no way forward. I am crushed however that people cant use WASSCE to enter Oxford. I am not  talking about me. I am talking about brilliant students you encounter in school whose level of thinking is way out there. You know what I am talking about dont you?....some shabre like that in school always thinking above and beyond the basics. Hmmm this educational system of ours nsem no dorsoo papa. Because even thinking about it how many of us where prepared for University for courses like Philosophy when the order of our learning was chew and pour. This you cant chew, what you are reading you do not understand enough to pour. I really used to pity those who were in Adwoa Cambo's class. They always came back from lectures with some weird futuristic look. hahahaa.

Another ailment our educational system. Changing the scheme left right center. No plan. Is it 4 years, 3 years, 0 Levels, A levels who knows what it is now. I have lost track of what is it we are trying to do now. Always organising national and regional workshops on education meanwhile we know what the problem is. Easy go easy come as long as those at the helm of affairs can afford to send their kids outside it remains the same gimmick. The gimmick for political power. (dramatic sigh) So what do we do? these days that is all i keep asking..... Those Obroni in Lenden and America edi3n nkoa na )mo nim. Yaben sen )mo we just need that platform. but how will we do this?.........ei i am asking another question ooo.

Btw did I tell you I was Entertainment Prefect in School? Did I tell you i used to dance on stage, was head of debating team...heheheheee trust me the pictures are quite scandalous. I was skinny, all bones. ( that story is for another day).

Yebe kasa wai.



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