Truth be told I am enjoying the world of blogging. I honestly do not know why I didn't start sooner. Apart from expressing my thoughts in the best way I know how, it is making me look at my environment a bit more. Now I always want to see what is happening around me , whether at home, or work, locally as a Ghanaian or internationally as an observer who is worried( kokonsa) so I can offer an opinion that is if any is needed. Grin! It might not be a revered opinion but I sure do look forward to filling up my space with these thoughts. These days who knows who is reading your thoughts. But errr if some CIA is reading this then Buei....mdfskkkkk. Ah conspiracy thoughts. I need to listen to Mr. Pratt soon. The man sure loves the CIA and what's that word again? Yep! Insurgents or is it spies?
And where are my manners by the way....hello and Goodevening! How are you? How was your day? I hope everything is alright or is it aight....haha( trying out my American slangs).
And yes speaking about America. Did you watch the presidential debates on Wednesday. If you didn't don't worry I am sure you have heard the reviews now. Yours stayed up to watch and till now I do not know how I went to work on Thursday. Sheesh! 1 am. Who sent me....errrrrm I do not know. But was it worth it? a big NO! My man dissappointed me bigggggg time. My man Barrack Obama. ( sigh) I do not know what happened but he was simply not on top of issues. His jokes were flat, he was stuttering...yes ooo the Obama we know was doing errrrm errrrm errrrm.( I am still cringing at the memory) and he kept looking down. All this while Mr. Romney ( Urgh) was firing from all cylinders. With some half grin, half smirk attitude. Hmm I read a tweet from Piers Morgan ( follow his twitter handle if you havent already. That man oozes British cynicism to the hilt) and he put it a thief in the night Romney stole the show. Smh! For the past weeks we have seen Mr. Romney fumble right left center( , even his wife seems to know what to say right) I was even expecting the President to mention the famous 47% but .....hmmm well I guess I should be happy he has the chance to come back. There are two more debates. Guess when you fall you can try, try and try again. And yes he is intelligent so he can read the reviews and come back like a well oiled machine. But I can't seem to get over it. Herh who watched McCain and Obama. Goodness! That was the gift that kept on giving. I thought that now as he is President, he was in depth knowledge to finish them knowing the mess that was createdby their party before he assumed office. Sigh!
But do try and read some reviews...interesting journalistic write ups. I love and recommend that of Reuters, Huffington Post and CNN. Watch the video and let me know what you think!
Wait let me laugh here....haha. Errrrm with the straightest face I can muster I humbly ask, are you American? Because now it seems to be able to comment about a country you must be from there? I had an interesting morning on Thursday up through Friday when some " friends" reminded me on Facebook that I am not an American, my votes do not count so literally... how dare I comment on how Prez Obama did. Eiii meni sane ne. First of all I am the queen of patience. People call it sarcasm, smart mouthed, sassy...naaaa I call it extreme patience laced with a smile. Trust me it helps when i deal with "interesting" people. No, I do not insult, i dont call you names, i do not roll my eyes, i just encourage you to firmly solidify your (for want of a better word) behaviour. I have a straight face on so please stop smiling. Yes you!
And what heightened the strength of my patience that day, was the fact that they didn't even know what they were talking about. It all started because I posted one of Mitt Romney's punch lines and I was waved the American flag. Meanwhile i solemnly swear i am one of the craziest Obama fans. Heheee. Hmm I am not going to go into all that, but I really want to say in clear terms that I am happy Ghanaian, I am happy I am not voting for Obama because William Nana Addo needs me, I am not going to stop speaking about other countries because frankly it is only intelligent to learn from others and apply it to what you have, I am not going into active party politics because sometimes someone can just love something for what is( please permission to roll my eyes on this one). So there.
Well the umbrellas have launched their manifesto with Papa jay in attendance. I have not read the manifesto so I am not going to comment on it but what I will comment a bit on what Papa Jay said. He asked President Mahama to remove the evil old dwarfs in the NDC. He said loud and clear and I believe all the reporters that covered the event in Ho recorded his words. But what I do not understand is why the statement has been twisted to refer to my William Nana Addo. I do not get it. Do you? Well I believe the umbrellas don't realize that this year, we do not care whatever they say about Nana. They can insult in whatever derogatory manner possible on this planet. We simply do not care. If they will not grow up and focus on issues and refer everything to how God created Nana that is fine. But errrrm who are the dwarfs Papa Jay paaa...he is really something else. I shudder to think the diss words that lie quietly in his head. Greedy bastards, Ata mortuary man, Babies with sharp teeth in dirty water now evil old bastards...haha, you see if the umbrellas were opening their eyes wide, they will see that Papa Jay is causing more harm than good. But what do I know...I am not even American!
Haha...have a good evening.
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