Friday, 19 July 2013

Evil State Of Mind.

Hello everybody...."howya doin" (in my best Wendy Williams voice). I love that women though most people think she is a tranny. She is funny and boy can she gossip! The way she leans forward sips on her tea before the "big revelation" is soo comical. No this is not a discussion about Wendy Williams. Whooo hoooo.....Friiiiiidayyyyyyy!!!!!
I hope you are doing great, looking forward to the weekend because.....(sigh) I am not. These days, weekend means either work on a Saturday or attend an event eg. a friend's wedding. Poof! Saturday is done and snap Sunday is passing you by.
So I have decided, that I must trace my roots and go back to Gambia. Dont laugh, I really must go to Gambia. President Yaya Jammeh understands me otherwise why would he make Friday part of the weekend in the Gambia. No I am not lazy but time is running so fast. The year is half way through. Soo much to do, with soo little time. Or it my calender and clock that is upside down. But anyways it is still a Friday...and we will take it like that. "howya doin" (with her lips and hands imitation)"

Before I start with my things, I will like to say a thank you to Mr. Egbert Faibille and Mrs. Gizella Tetteh Agbotui (long overdue in her case). I am very active on social media as some of you might already know and sometimes, without meaning to I tend to get carried away.  Yesterday was such a day. I got home and there was a blackout. Yes pitch, black, horrible, darkness. All that run through my mind was "when will we stop this nonsense". What even annoyed me further was the blame game that had started. Every organisation that might be remotely responsible for this situation was blaming everyone but themselves. ECG (Electricity Company of Ghana) says blame VRA (Volta River Authority), VRA says blame GRIDCO (Ghana Grid Company Limited), GRIDCO says blame ECG and GRIDCO and all this while, we are (well at least us non generator folk) are in the dark....wondering why on earth we didn't buy mosquito spray. So simple story, I got angry and I went off in a poop direction.

I was wondering why  someone wouldn't  pick up chicken poo and smear it all over those offices. I was wondering why we as a people would get up, walk up to the various "technocrat" offices, lock up so that if the lights eventually go off we know that there was no one sitting there and "working" in the first place. Oo I was soo mad, I posted my comments on Twitter. I immediately had a response from Egbert Faibille and he said (paraphrasing) you can be arrested for putting your frustration that way. I paused like...... ummm what is he talking about. Lawyers are too known....(sheepish look now). Then it hit me. As someone, who talks daily about people being responsible and manning up for their actions, this is not cool. I am mad yes but there must a sense of decorum to this madness. So I pulled the post down, and honestly I am glad I did. Besides nobody needs to poop smear the place...their lousiness stinks all over.

Mrs. Gizella's goes way back...say some 2 years ago, I think H.E. Prof. Mills(RIP) was commissioning one of those projects and I was venting about all the showmanship that went into one simple cut-a-ribbon commissioning. I said something that was utterly disrespectful (not going to repeat) and boy did she put me in my place... I took that off immediately but updated another one. Yep it still had to be said, but it didn't rub anyone in the wrong way. So yes I appreciate such people who tell me as it is. Sometimes it gets into your head when people comment all over your think you can do and say anything. sure doesn't work that way. I will not become evil.

What is this evil state of mind is all about. It is everything to do with the recent  pronouncements of Dr. Mensa Otabil. These days I am wondering what makes Dr. Otabil popular? Is it his ICGC (International Central Gospel Church), is it his school Central University (side whisper....why is it that most people who go to central always say they have a degree in marketing or human resource sheesh) or is it the 2013 December elections. I raise both hands in favor of 2013 December elections. Those tapes. Eei the evil people do. It lives after them doesnt it. Hahaha. But because of those tapes, all his actions and in-actions have been linked to mean "enemy" so when he says something that has common sense, he is tagged and insulted. But I dare say that he is lucky, he did not suffer the fate of Rev. Owusu Bempah. The big wig pastors that danced on the head on the Owusu Bempah have not "dared" to do same (unless you count serial callers on certain radio stations) After all Rev. Otabil ensoso gyina ne wit Rev. Otabil is also a big man. So what is Dr. Otabil supposed to have said? He says that he has a deep foreboding that this lovely dumsor country of ours is heading towards some kind of evil. So what is evil.

Evil according to Wikipedia (bless the creator of Google's heart) simply means Profound Immorality. What is Profound Immorality. Something become immoral when violates some moral laws, norms or standards. And profound is an adjective used to describe something that is very great or intense. So slapping it all together....Evil is an intense violation of moral laws, norms and standards. Clap for me. Ah I have done well.*giggles* 
My simple question is there evil in this dumsor country of ours? Yes. I am sorry to disappoint you but there is!! The dumsor alone is very very very evil, the stealing of taxes under the pretext of financial engineering is very very very very evil, the fact that the culprits are not in jail is beyond the understanding and definition of evil. The inability of government to pay its workers is the height of evil, the suspension of road contracts because there is no money makes evil look like a saint, the fact that people have to queue to buy gas is the crescendo of evil. Ah how can i forget the fact that evilness is within when government decides to tax luxurious condoms(condoms with flavors) and leaves the bleaching/hydro-quinine gurus. Isn't that evil? Or what evil where you people thinking about? 

Wars, Famine, Coup d'etats? Hoh! That is not evil, those things are undefined realms. How come people take bribe before doing work, they were hired to do? Is that not heavy evil? How come a whole country can be lied to that Bui Dam will make every dumsor leave? If that is not evil, tell me what is. Evil is when election time, people sell their conscience because of Ghc 50, chamber-pots  student mattresses, loaves of bread, and empty gas cylinders.....or that is not evil.Evil abides when as a nation our young charming President tells us that we have chewed the meat to the bone. Ei what meat? As if you and I were there when all government agencies were spending their budgets over and above. Students studying abroad under the GETFund scheme are asked to leave their rented apartments because monies have not been sent to cover the rent? What is that....Plain bad ass evil. Evil is when you get robbed in this country and you have a set of footprints all over the house and our police service can do nothing with it because they do not have a database for criminals...plenty evil dey! Shine your eyes and leave Rev. Otabil alone.... besides it is even evil turned sinister when a bunch young know-nothings sit on radio, call themselves serial callers and insult (and later get paid with our taxes). See all evil. 

I hear Parliament is broke....isn't that evil.
Well I am not going to pray. Because we like that. We like to bury our heads in the sand and pretend, we know what we ought to do. And before you quote any scripture, we all know God helps those who decide to be courageous and help themselves. I know what I ought to do, at for now. Simply pack and leave...not to Gambia but home.It is Friday. Fried yam and domedo (fried pork) should do the trick.

PS. Ummm can someone close to the planning committee of H.E. Prof Mills(RIP) one year anniversary, prompt them to use pictures that show the man in good health. Already I see pictures springing up on traffic lights and those pictures are not not. Those are the pictures that tell his declining health. There are beautiful pictures of him, that can be used. That is more proper and respectful. I hope his memory is honored properly, no dove nonsense this time. Dont be evil.

Be safe.


  1. hope they are listening dear... good piece!!!

  2. Well God does not help those who help themselves..he helps the helpless..EVil has befallen us as a country but we are so blinded in darkness [partly due to dums)] so that even when we are being told about our plight,some get offended.But hey,this is us,God does twice the job even though He has given us the ability to to make His work easier..He thinks for us whiles protecting us at the same time..I hope most of us see the happenings from your perspective..We still have great minds in our youth so all is not lost..Thank you for this piece..

    1. Hahaa Drogba...we are certainly not a helpless nation. We are just lazy. We have all the solutions but just lazy.

  3. I love Wendy too.....always on my dvr, she sure knows how to spill the beans!!

  4. Honestly is high time we start taking practical steps to solve our problems, blaming each other and acting as if we know everything is not fresh at all. God bless mother Ghana.
