Monday, 15 April 2013

Monday Rant.

 I hate Mondays (I have been saying slowly in my head for the past hour). Nothing in this world can make a Monday look and feel better. Not even a surprise gift of chocolate cake can soften this annoying day. And the most annoying thing about a Monday is time. It runs ever soo slow. Sometimes, I can stare at the clock, close my eyes, count ti five and the hands of the clock is still be at the same spot. One day I will smash the clock in my office. Yep then I will just blame the light off. Yep if the lights can blow equipment then a simple clock on the wall can be blow up as well. heheheheeehe. I know how do I come up with these ideas. I surprise myself sometimes. 
But hey...mema wo dumso oooo? yaaaa mahama.....Na wo npom eh?.....thats right.....akonfem nkoa! But wait a minute...I hear the  answer for Na wo npom eh? is now ey3 certificate nkoa...hahahahaha. Always messing with my William. People just love him but cant admit it. *broad smile*
Well now that the New Oga is 100 days old, he has graduated to substantive Oga. His honeymoon is over. Now full blast...just that he began the blasting on himself. Who asked him to say the meat on the country is gone and it is left with bone? Who at all has been giving him those lotto dates for the end of the dumso. He is always staking. hahhaa. Pressure. Yep. He is gone gray. More gray than his twin Obama. We need yomo hair dye. haha

*Serious face on* It sure has been a while since I posted something here. I know, I know and I miss you too.  But it has been a good hiatus hasn't it. Good enough to unwind whilst the dons of dumso and akonfem operate. haha. Soo much is happening in Ghana, isn't it?!. Give us some elbow room Hollywood, we've got lights, camera and lotsa action up in here. We have potential movie scripts to make Spielberg jealous. Um-mm wait a minute before I get into my usual kokonsa, there is an erroneous impression that people have about little ol' me. Do not be deceived by my online life. I am not a talkative. Yes ma'am, I am not and whilst we are on this topic. I sleep. Alot. So when you wake up and see a gazillion posts from me, it doesnt mean I have tapped my eyelids to my forehead. I am the number one sleepy head in this country. Anyone who sleeps more than me really ought to be sued. *silly laugh*
I really love meeting people and I always get a kick out of the screams "That is Naabia, you are hilarious, omg you are small, omg, you are short,omg one-day you will get arrested" yep it makes me laugh but I pretty much would not turn into a classic chatter box. I just laugh and plead the 5th. But seriously I am very a quiet person (ok not soo quiet but quiet... ha-ha) who just  likes to observe and turn my observations into prose. So please do not get offended if I give you a blank stare. I am not rude. I am just not a chatterbox. That enough on the self explanatory intro of Naabia 101. Urgh! beginning to feel like Oprah.

Let us move to Hollywood Ghana. That's more my zone. Every week and its drama. Nothing is surprising anymore only that sometimes, some of us wish some of the things are not that predictable. You think about it, it is very easy to identify the public institutions that are goofing, very easy to predict the responses from their *cough* so called public relations experts and it is very easy to predict how issues of national interest e.g. inflation,prices,social amenities, corruption etc end up. Too predictable. Sometimes before a radio host calls an expert to discuss an issue, I can rattle his or her answer. I have even started imitating the voices. hehehehe. But seriously I believe the biggest issue on every bodies mind now is the simple six letter word... SALARY. I looked up various definitions of this word online and finally settled on one that made common sense to me. Before anyone accuses me of plagiarism I got this from *cough* Hello Uncle Haruna umm I still am your number one fan. *innocent look*. Chop kiss.

Agreed-upon and regular compensation for employment that may be paid in any frequency but  in common practice, is paid on monthly and not on hourly, daily, weekly, or piece-work basis.

We will come back to this definition in a bit. First of all, all those who are on the holier  than thou crusade about lives who will be lost, death, gore, blood, students failing.....yawn! This is the kind of hypocrisy that kills me right after I have laughed with disbelief. Usually when people start criticizing labor using all sorts of language especially the sack them approach.... I just yawn and switch off. One person said on radio, we should sack them because students learn hard in difficulty. This is a stinking lie. Yes, we have students who have sharp IQ's but majority need nurturing. I am someone who has experienced striking teachers both in senior high school and in the University and it was not easy. At all and I do not consider myself as daft. We must begin to take what is happening very serious. Labor is striking. It is embarrassing locally and internationally. As for me, I was looking for a place to hide my head when the news broke out that cooks, laborers  gardeners and what not were invigilating the students. Eish! That is very not not. But how.
And if you sack teachers and get new ones and don't pay them well....wont they also strike. 
Please the problem is not the teachers. The problem is the salary structure not forgetting leadership and conviction to deal with the issue. So we know the salary structure is the issue, do we have the leadership full of conviction to tackle this? *half smile*

Anytime, I listen to experts rant and rave about how labor should approach their actions and inaction's with a human face, I ask myself in twi (No I will not translate into English, the twi dialect makes my point perfectly)

" hwe di33 okyer3, wo na woy3 simple consultancy na y3n tua woa, anka by now woa fii wosi akyer3 heavens na wo quote plenty international labor laws. Monma yen dwen wai. Ewiase ay3 shi" 

Have you asked yourself what would happen if you have not been paid for your services for over a year?. Have you asked yourself how long you can keep borrowing from people telling them you will pay if you get paid? Have you asked yourself what you would do if you are the man of the house and you cannot afford to keep the home, wife, kids, extended family et all. Have you asked yourself if you were a single mother living on that non existent salary what you would do? Have you asked yourself what your work output would be like if you know that at the end of the month, there is no cheque and if there is it simply does not add up? Have you asked yourself what you would do?  For how long can you live like that? Or we forget that they have bills to pay and lives to lead. come on people, come on.

We should learn to detach ourselves from the popular stands and put ourselves in their shoes. Besides they did not go promising themselves single spine salaries, they did not mount campaign platforms and promise themselves that their lives would change if they voted for A or B. What about those who did not vote?Besides it is not as if they are asking for an increase? Or? I stand to be corrected. They are asking for their monies that have not been paid them. Yes that backpay that is the right of MPs. I do not even want to start on the MPs. They are just not worth it. They should have been championing this. They should come together and challenge the executive. *slaps self* Naabia wake up.! 
Besides it is these annoying payments to MPs , misappropriation of funds from MASLOC, Sports ministry, NYEP etc that is making them fume. Before I forget, dear MPs that hollow argument of yours that we should check the salaries of top management staff of public institutions smells like momoni. 
Granted that their salaries might be huge but they have not backdated themselves and paid jaw dropping salaries to themselves. That argument that Woyogate cost more smells like rotten egg. How can you compare yourself to wrong to justify a right that is if you think you are right? Is that what your sunday school teachers taught you? Or they were also on strike during your childhood stage? See you need teachers to nurture...hehhhehehehee.

As for that reward is in heaven thingy they are always told, it has gotten to  ridiculous heights. Life is war, living in the capital is difficult, rent, school fees, food, pocket money....everything is tough.(ignore those inflation, economic indicator people) reality is what we are working with here. OK  so you say they should up and leave for the rural areas if they feel living in the capital cities is tough?!...fine! 
Don't they need money to survive or when they move to the rural areas then their families and extended families vanish into thin air? *incredulous look*  That argument in itself is just wrong, we need to stop kidding and start paying people what is due them. Maybe just maybe they will start working as we expect them to. 

Back to the definition from BusinessDictionary.Com.... The Government of Ghana, not NPP not NDC but Government employed the teachers, doctors, judicial staff etc. Government decided to implement the single spine structure for whatsoever reasons they deemed fit at that time. Government decided through its actions and inaction's not to empower the private sector or decentralize power (to the district assemblies if they were able to generate revenue for themselves they could hire at the district levels and pay salaries and not overburden central government) and become the biggest employer. Government did this to itself. It has no excuse whatsoever to turn around and insult anyone. That is why government spokespersons should be careful how they talk. Nobody is ganging up against anyone. When you truly understand why you where voted into power, why you are sworn in as the leaders of the Republic of Ghana, you will become intelligent enough to understand the issues.
Not only government spokespersons but those fair wages and salaries people. Someone needs to put a nuzzle on them. They talk too much. Besides they get paid every month, they can afford to talk plenty. After all talk can be that cheap. Anyways it is not as if Government can pay its arrears. Our finance minister says we are in the red. Did you realize we took as very normal everyday info. Ghana is broke. Unless they borrow money they cannot pay. So what happened? What happened to all those fabulous indicators that we rattled to yes just four years ago? What happened that now, we cannot pay salaries? 

It is shameful and very disgraceful. 

Are we still calling ourselves a middle income country. Never believed that myth. Glad I never did. Common sense would not allow it.


6:42pm. My rant is done. I miss my bed.

Have a good evening.

Peace sign! As usual forgive my typos.

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