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my thoughts served HOT! |
Doesn't it make you wonder, how we humans think we have evolved. We think we are the finest species leading the species on planet earth. Yes the good ol' human being, evolving through the times or is it rather years but always seem to snap back to absurd and very evil heights. Maybe another Charles Darwin should spring up soon and explain why we are increasing becoming brutish. One would think with all the education and advancement in technology would make us better....but we are evolving into 21st evil freaks. Maybe it is time, I get back to following happenings in Syria. Wonder how that is coming along. War, poverty, strife all part of the evolution of man. Makes you wonder doesn't especially those of you who believe we evolved that Charles Darwin might have missed something, some trait that reveals itself at some stage?. And those of us who believe in creation....dont you humbly want to kneel before God and ask why somethings happen? Who are the two P's by the way?. John "P"ainstil and Oscar "P"istorious. Two sportsmen, A Ghanaian and a South African, distinguished sportsmen in their own right, millionaires for what they are worth, celebrities and role models in their own right....their bane? violence against their women. Come to think of it, is it a mere coincidence that their names start with the letter P. hmm P must be in vogue...(haha...gotta laugh a little).
Moving along....I have heard all the excuses from my friends, I call them defenders of the P....yes, weighed all their scenarios and options in my head, some absurd, some believable but my common sense tells me they did it. This is not the complicated case of OJ Simpson, this is clear and straightforward. Before I start with reasons why I believe we are being feed a whole lot of poop, I want to make it clear that I do not seek to judge them. What I seek to do is take you through my mind once again, what I think about this. (hope you do not get bored). I for one think they are guilty but I do not think it was planned. There is something very clumsy about both scenarios. Different scenarios all because of a extreme fit of rage.
Oscar P claims he heard a burglar in his bathroom, so he simply shot the burglar four times. From the autopsy, we find that she didn't die after being shot four times, hell i simply ask didn't she bloody scream. A bullet is known to tear into your flesh...just forget about the speed with which it enters the body focus on "tearing into your flesh"! Mercy! I bet she screamed and howled in pain. Is he saying he did not hear, is he saying that she was so silent through it all. It is simply not possible. Not as long as we have blood and veins in our body, it is not humanly possible. She screamed and he heard. Simple truth..he fired away.
Besides that just look at the plan of his house and its siting in such a gated community. High end no less and wait a minute...is he saying that the alarm didnt go off. Wow then South Africa certainly has high end burglars. "Mission Impossible" kind of burglars no doubt.
And what about John P....a beating which has turned into a field of who can deny best. Another situation in a high end gated community. These P's certainly have alot in common. I haven't heard him talking that is not to say his silence means his consent. Maybe he will do a press conference ala Tiger Woods but his wife is denying, now GFA is also denying (why are they now a PR team, if they know how annoying they have become since the AFCON, they will be hiding and whispering behind some curtain). Well GFA do you know what this denial makes you, a bunch of cowards because if nothing at all you, some of you have daughters. Just imagine if your daughter comes home beaten up and the person responsible says "oohhh it is nothing, it is just a small domestic problem, dont say it too much". How would you feel. I for one dont expect you you to get angry and react. *rolls eyes* Well if it was in their bedroom and nobody heard then that will be it, nobody will hear. But this is not what happened is it? His wife run, some say jumped over a wall but all the same she run to the neighbours for help (nobody seems to be denying that bit, why? yes your guess is good as mine) It was the neighbour who saved her, the neighbour who got bitch slapped, the neighbour who was mad enough to do the right thing ie calling the police, the neighbour who is so upset by the twist and turn and wants to sue John P. Yes the neighbour exhibiting good old neighbourly love.
Lesson learnt...when you see a neighbour running and jumping towards your house, shut all doors and hide under the table. Or?
What is the end result of all this...for my South African P...he might get off. His legal team looks and bites very well. LAWYERS!!!!hmmm. For my Ghanaian P, it is already dead on arrival. Because it is the wife who is at the center of it all. She says no it is nothing, what else can be done. She will be told be hush it by some friends and family and of course the GFA (pr management team), she will be told not to disgrace her family,her man and their societal status...blah blah blah but all of this without a regard for her. Without a regard for each night when she closes her eyes and relives the ordeal. All those people are not thinking about her possible reason for enduring this"her children" but it is all good. You can only wish her well and hope there is light beyond all of this. Lets pray she recovers from all of this.
Urgh. I just want to vomit after writing that, it is not all good, it really is not but what can be done. She says it is nothing!!!!! We should leave her alone. oh!!!
(deep breathe)
I have to end this post...before I write something that can make me get sued. As if I havent already.
Enjoy the rest of the day. Good afternoon.
PS: For whatever reason if you decide to stay in a relationship that has the tendency to get abusive, grow up a pair and feed the bully(man or woman) laxatives once a while. The heavens will definately sing the hallelujah chorus with you.