Thursday, 22 November 2012

Keeping up with the Joneses...

Thursday 22nd October 2012.

1. He is old.
2. He is bald
3. He does not have teeth in his mouth
4. He is a womanizer
5. He is arrogant
6. He is vindictive
7. He is not confident
8. He lies all the time
9. He likes only Akans
10. He is violent
11. He does not know anything
12. He does not talk to his brothers
13. His father disowned him
14. As attorney general he paid judgement debt
15. He does not like Muslims
16. He smokes wee and cocaine
17. He is married to his cousin
18. His stock in trade is fondling breasts
19. He is not intelligent
20. He doesn't know the law
21. He did not attend Oxford
22. He was sacked from Oxford
23. He believes the presidency is his birthright
24. He does not talk to his party members
25. He leads a group known as Akyem mafia
26. He is not a Christian
27. He has trained his daughters to be wee smokers and drug addicts
28. His manifesto is full of lies he doesn't believe in it
30. He urinates anywhere
31. He will be lost in a crowd he is too short

What I have listed above are the things that run through my mind yesterday after the final debate from the IEA. That is the level of pettiness we have descended to but I will come to that in a bit. Ideally after a debate, I should be discussing the merits and demerits on the issues raised , I should be discussing the influence of what transpired both at the presidential and vice presidential debates, if there will be a shift in voting patterns among decided voters or there will be an influence for those who still claim to be floating voters(sigh). Instead I am discussing a realm of foolhardiness I was invited into yesterday (rolls eyes). I for one have been soo excited by these immerging analytical platforms because gradually we were giving ourselves the chance to see firsthand the kind of leaders we want at the Jubilee house(not the slave trade castle), giving ourselves a firsthand all gloves off look at the mindset of the person who will be called Mr. President someday. But alas the discussion has turned into a battle about a man who forgot who was President and attacked his colleague in opposition. (I prefer to use the word discussion, because I was the head of the debating club in my school at one point in time and that was not it….the energy we drove in the discussions were legendry.)
What makes it worse is that I am angry but I am a small voice who cannot do anything. A small voice who for once wishes she had the same platform to give an equal dose to people who haveabsolutely no regard for their audience and behave in a manner which cannot even begin to describe the meaning of dimwitted. I will be truthful; this is the third piece I am writing.  The first two were full of words which were not decorous because of the behavior put up by Mr. Hassan Ayariga of the PNC. Yesterday it suddenly hit me around I: 00 am that all this, all the meeting the late Prez RIP. Atta Mills at the airport for the famous jogging on arrival escapade was calculated because till now I never understood why he went there smiling and ogling for the cameras only to rush to the radio stations and declare him unfit. I now understand why he keeps on attacking NPP’s free SHS programme even the PNC has same in their manifesto. I now understand why he has deliberately attacked Nana not only on yesterday’s platform but also at the previous one and in any interview he gives. I now understand why he decided to cough when Nana Addo who sat next to him was talking and forgot about his “chesty” cough when Abu Sakara and Prez Mahama were taking. I now understand everything. I do not believe he has been bought because really it pennies to impress such people. He is very intimidated. 
You can bear with me that in life through school, relationships, work, family and anywhere there is interaction with people, you meet people who for no absolutely no reason what so ever want to belong to the Joneses. They talk big, dress bigger, show offharder but at the end of the day they have nothing to write home about. In their quest to belong to the Joneses, they will try to pull everybody down to prove to their little egos and those they seek to impress that yes they have arrived. It might work for a while but the order of nature is you will be exposed and laid for everyone to see. So I won’t insult, I will rather wish him well. But someone tell him his worst and pray every night as he goes to end with all the false bravado that Nana Addo does not win. Not that Nana Addo will be vengeful, what is the point in that but he should pray that Nana Addo doesn’t win because that will be the height of his shame.
 It was at this point in my realization that it hit me all the sort of things I have heard about William Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo. In my little corner in my room I got 27, someone please add to the list and let me know….I need to laugh harder. I always say people forget Nana Addo won the first election but he didn’t get fifty plus one. So much worked against the party so much at that time and history dealt with the NPP. For those who say there is no message with the NPP apart from free SHS, wellna who cause am. That is all the NDC opposes and rope it ineven if the discussion is about something to do with tomatoes they will rope in Free SHSThat is all they see meanwhile PPP, PNC, CPP all have the policy in their manifestos, slight difference from implementation but it is there.
My conclusion is simple. Whatever the umbrellas and their new found lover Mr. Ayariga decide to do they should do their worst. If you truly live in Ghana and are discerning you will see who is desperate to win power. Dumevi my companion on Facebook especially with the political debates it takes a lot as you have seen infact a whole lot to make me run and hide. If you didn’t succeed why on earth will some PNC candidate succeed in doing soHave a good day.
Smile. The world truly is a beautiful place.

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